Luna Farm

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  It is a way in which a community and a farmer can have a shared commitment that ensures both the survival of small farms and the availability of fresh, local produce.  People in the community become members or subscribers in the farm and receive a weekly allotment of produce.  CSAs provide the farmer with a secure and supportive market, which helps to keep down overhead costs and allows them to invest more in sustainable practices of food production.  Members sign-up and pay for their subscription in the winter/spring months and then receive produce during the growing season.  This upfront payment allows the farmer to buy seeds, equipment and soil amendments to get the season off to a good start without having to take out loans with high interest rates.  In return the subscribers have the advantage of a direct relationship with their farmer, the knowledge of how and where their food is grown, and the ability to share in the bounties of a farm.